Market related salaries

Market related salaries

The Remuneration that an Au Pair would expect to receive differs from one another, but here are some guidelines for determining a fair market related salary.


Au Pairs employed for 2 hours per day Mon to Fri earn in the region of R4000pm

Au Pairs employed for 3 hours per day Mon to Fri earn in the region of R5000pm

Au Pairs employed for 4 hours per day Mon to Fri earn in the region of R6000pm

Au Pairs employed for 5 hours per day Mon to Fri earn in the region of R6500 – R7000pm

Au Pairs employed for 6 hours per day Mon to Fri earn in the region of R7500 – R8500pm

Au Pairs employed for 7 hours plus per day Mon to Fri earn the region of  R8500 to R12000 per month depending on the hours, their age, experience and the job description.

Occasional babysitting should be remunerated at roughly the same hourly rate as above.

Au Pairs are also remunerated for fuel, at approximately R4.50pkm should they be required to transport your children or run errands for you, using their own vehicle.